can transplant patients keep their dead organ as a souveneir?


Favorite Answer

If you have a friend in the surgery or you specifically state so and it's possible, then you might.

It's kept in Formaldehyde and in a jar so it's safe...


A top transplant surgeon today slammed "bizarre and unethical" plans by doctors' leaders to keep brain-dead patients alive on ventilators to harvest their organs.

Under radical proposals from the British Medical Association to solve the organ shortage, hearts could also be taken from newborn babies.
But Professor Nadey Hakim, surgical director at Hammersmith Hospital's West London Transplant Unit, said doctor/patient trust would be damaged.

"It's not ethical keeping someone alive," he said. "They're brain dead and you have to remember there's a family next door in tears. I find it bizarre that the BMA wants to push for something so unpopular. This is how we kill any desire for people to become donors."