DOOL...Yet ANOTHER kidnapping and hostage situation!?

Who else is sick of this same storyline over and over?! And Ian just flits around town doing anything he wants, like he's all powerful. These writers are really getting on my nerves.


Btw, everybody in that town must have a room suitable for holding all the people they're always kidnapping. It must be the most common crime in Salem at this rate.

M W2012-08-20T14:08:58Z

Favorite Answer

Everyone has a tunnel, a cement room and a cell with bars in the basement, and don't forget the 'safe houses'. It's a story line that they love to use on Days - over and over and over.

But, today, it gets interesting - What's behind the curtain that Ian pulls open????

I'm trying to figure out why Ian has this hate vendetta for Stefano and E.J. What happened in the past?


I am! If I never see another kidnapping/hostage scene it will be too soon.

Though I have to say, if I lived in Salem I would buy an old warehouse or storage facility and rent it out to kidnappers/hostage takers. I'd be richer than a Kiriakis in no time!

And to the person wondering what's behind the curtain, I suspect (though I hope I'm wrong) that it's Jonny and Sydney. That's all I can see EJ really being swayed by. I don't know if it's Stefano, because Ian has taken such pleasure in blurting out that he killed him, so it seems he really thinks he's dead. Guess we'll have to wait and see...

i am the best2012-08-21T08:04:30Z

I'm incredibly sick of the storyline! It's so overused by DOOL it's ridiculous.

*Being honest though, i think this one is rather interesting with EJ and Ian. I have read the spoilers that Stefano is behind the curtain and he is EJ's biological father (Ian knew about the letter and switched the dna test). Ian believed his father was Santo, so he believes he is a Dimera. And that whole coin mystery is coming up again. SO... I believe these upcoming weeks will be quite interesting!


Ian is powerful or a least he thinks he is. He has been in the process of trying to take over DiMera enterprises.
Watch Days the next two days and see what exciting thing is going to happen to Ian,

Kitty 22012-08-20T18:34:27Z

I hear you im tired of it as well. I wish EJ could get out of those ropes. Seems like there is a holding place in every room there.

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