Windows Firewall and Update Issues?

My computer can find, but not install any Windows updates. When I select updates to be installed the process quits and I get the error code 0x80070424.

Using this site, I have followed both steps 1 and 2 and neither did anything. I was trying to do step 3 but when I search for BITS, nothing is listed. This is where I am stuck. I have found the BITS repair tool for Windows Vista but have not found a repair for BITS for Windows 7.

I am running Windows 7 64bit Home Edition and because of this problem it is now a month out of date.


I have scoured the Microsoft Support site and have found nothing of use. I have also mentioned, and will mention again that under the services window, BITS is not listed AT ALL. And that is my main problem at this point, I cannot locate BITS to try and fix BITS.


Favorite Answer

You should never use something for vista on Windows 7. This is a support question contact Microsoft.


You are not searching for BITS.

In the search box, you type: Services.msc
Then, press Enter.

A small "Services" window will appear.
Background Intelligent Transfer Service is listed in that window, but part of the name is obscured.
If you want to see the whole name, make the column wider.

Make sure BITS is set to "Automatic".

Actually, you mentioned that you searched for BITS. I was unsure whether you had typed BITS into your search box, or looked for it, in the Services window.

You can perform a System Restore. Choose a date that is before the issue began.

You may need to re-register BITS, so IF you have Windows 7 64-bit...

Start > In search box, type: cmd
Right-click on cmd, then choose "Run as administartor".

In the black DOS window, type:

sc create BITS binpath= "c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs" start= delayed-auto

Type all of that ^^ exactly as typed here, then press enter.

How to tell if you're using 64-bit or 32-bit:

Start > Right-click "Computer" > Properties > System Type.