Disease? Research for a novel...?

I know this is a weird question, but a minor character in a novel I'm trying to write has to be suffering from a chronic disease that prevents her from working. She's about 33 years old, and the year is 1922, so the disease has to have been diagnosed back then. If it makes a difference, the woman is severely malnourished, though this doesn't have to be the cause of her condition, and she lives in Germany (hyperinflation is occurring, though not as bad as it will become later). It doesn't have to be anything real specific. It's just a quick thing I can drop into the story.

Thanks in advance for any replies.


Not polio, sorry. I like the idea, but I've used it for another character. Thanks for the thought anyway.

Ruth C2012-08-20T18:57:54Z

Favorite Answer


scarlet fever often left a residual nerve damage that caused an array of problems

rheumatic fever. That's probably your best bet. caused heart damage; joint pain. Traditionl treatment was to live an invalid's life.

