Why would 2 letters on my laptop just stop working? All other keys are working fine?

The N and B keys are no longer working. Nothing is obstructing them, I haven't spilled anything on them. Could I have hit something that would "block" them?


I am using my old laptop (before some brillant soul comments on the use N and B in my question.


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some laptops seem to have alot of problems with keyboards, Asus eeepc as an example. its simply a poor component in that model of laptop.

try blowing high pressure air behind the key, use car tire air compressor. if that doesnt help, then its likely faulty contacts. its abit hard to pry the keys and even harder to put them back. you may also break the flimsy plastic pins that hold them down.

if its a computer virus that basically is trying to annoy you by bypassing those two keys, try using differrent programs like notepad pero haps even a glimps of it working may show theres a fix without replacing.


Could have but take the n and b keys one at a time out first take your b key out and take a pen or something with a tip that you can use and see if when you use that to press on it if it will work if so then you need to take the b key and clean it some how. and then do the same with the n key let me know if that helps mine done the same thing and I did that and it worked so i cleaned the keys and put it back checked by hitting that key and it worked all the sudden.but I see that the n and b must be working because you typed n and b and used them in a sentence.


Try booting from a System Repair disc. Access the Command Prompt. Check those two keys if they are working. If not then you have a broken contact. Keyboard replacement is the only solution, unless you want to use a external keyboard.


She'll in all probability could desire to replace her keyboard. You did not point out the kind, however the conventional cost of having a working laptop or computing device keyboard replaced at a fix save is $one hundred fifty to $2 hundred. variety of an high priced lesson to maintain nutrition and beverages removed from desktops, yet i assume the water could have ruined the full computing device. that should be genuine high priced to replace!


It happens sometimes. What I normally do to fix it is, press the key until I here it snap back in place, if it doesn't snap back in place I take it off and put it back on.

To take off the key (if you want to) just lift up on ether the top of the key or bottom of the key until it pops off.

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