Is this piece too hard for me to play on recorder?

Ive been playing for about three weeks now and it seems really hard, although I've already been making much progress since I have been practicing 2-4 hrs a day, and I'm already sounding better on this particular piece. (This piece i've been practicing for like 3 days) (but still have lots more work to do in order to get it up to tempo. maybe I could just play it at alegro... I think its played presto in this video.... (but there is no tempo markings on the score I downloaded from

What are some other songs that are easier for recorder? (but preferably still classical/baroqueish)



Favorite Answer

Try this piece by Vivaldi (from about 4:12) -
(Badinerie is virtuoso stuff, especially for the recorder)


Badinerie isn't usually the first piece you pick up on recorder.