B-tree file system; who here uses it? and what are your experiences and thoughts?

The B-tree file system (Btrfs) has been out for as far back as Linux 2.6.25. Oracle plans to push it out in production within the upcoming months.

I am currently trying it myself on a small 80GB HDD with a GPT layout under Sabayon 9 (KDE) Linux 3.4. Even though it is said that it doesn't do too well under small HDDs, it seems to be working very well; no problems so far.

I took a look at an a tour of btrfs video (19 Jan 2012) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxWuaozpe2I and found it to be a very interesting filesystem.

What are your thoughts?


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Oracle users: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/articles/servers-storage-admin/gettingstarted-btrfs-1695246.html