Heathcliff (the HOH) names Peter (the Pawn) and Tony (the target) for eviction. After the battle for Veto happens, George (a guest) wins the Power of Veto & wants to save Tony, which will make the HOH furious. If George does save Tony from the block, can Heathcliff then put up George in retaliation for him saving Tony? Is there a rule protection the person using the power that way or is he then in danger of going on the block, replacing Tony the original target?
Daisy ❀✿❀✿❀2012-08-23T22:21:22Z
Favorite Answer
Good question... it actually used to be that the POV winner could not use it on themselves. At some point, sorry I forget which season, they came along with the Golden POV... meaning that the POV winner in the situation you described would also be safe. They ALWAYS use a Golden POV now so yes, George would be safe.
Edited to add: see below
Silver Power of Veto
The Silver Power of Veto, used in Big Brother 3, allowed the winner to remove one nominee off of Nomination Block, if they so desired. The winner of the Power of Veto could not remove his or herself off of Nomination Block. If the Power of Veto was used, the HOH (Head of Household) would select the replacement nominee.
Golden Power of Veto
The Golden Power of Veto was introduced in the end of Big Brother 3. It was the final veto used of the season. It has been used ever since then in all of the succeeding seasons. The Golden Power of Veto allowed the winner to veto a nomination from Nomination Block if they so desired, including themself. The HOH would select the replacement nominee if the Veto was used.
Diamond Power of Veto
The Diamond Power of Veto was introduced as the final veto of Big Brother 4. It was essentially the same as a Golden Power of Veto because it was used for the Final 4, in which case there was only one possible replacement nominee anyway. It was used by Alison Irwin to save herself from the threat of eviction. Erika Landin was the only possible replacement because Jun Song was already up on Nomination Block and Robert Roman was the Head of Household. The Diamond POV was reintroduced in Big Brother 12 and awarded to Matt Hoffman as a gift from Pandora's Box. The rules of the Diamond Power of Veto became more clear then when it was first introduced in season 4. It grants the bearer the power to remove a player off of nomination block and then select the nomination themself, rather then deferring to the HOH for the replacement nominee. The holder of this veto may not select either the HOH or the regular Veto holder as a replacement.
No Veto Winner is always safe and can't be nominated The only time the Veto winner isn't safe is if they are nominated and take the other person who is nominated off.Then they still will be nominated(Like in Season 13 when Rachel and Brendon were on the block, Brendon won veto and took Rachel off, he still remained on the block and he got evicted) But that's the only time when the Veto winner isn't safe is if they are on block and take the other person off