What is One Food you Refuse to Eat?

For me it's oysters!



Favorite Answer

There are too many nasty veggies that I refuse to eat to just name one.

unfinished canvas2012-08-24T06:29:23Z

Squid! It's so squishy and hard to chew, and the smell itself is yucky. The first time I ever tried it, I was at a resteraunt with my grandfather and he decided to order it for an appetizer. He importantly called it "calamari" just to sound cultured, so I was impressed and thought he was ordering something fancy. The next thing I know, there's this huge plate of fried little squids with thier legs poking out everywhere staring at me with thier eyeballs. My grandpa made me eat one.. I only bit the tip of it's leg before I was too traumatized to continue! Lol. I've tried it in sushi and still don't like it.. I feel like if my grandpa hadn't ordered it with legs and eyeballs I might like it.







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