Whats bern going in on GH?

What visions are olivia seeing? Is lulu really pg? What the h*ll is jerry up to? I've bern catching only the last 5 minutes of episodes for a month now. Please no links I can't get them to work


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Heather injected Olivia with LSD and ever since Olivia has certain visions. She pictured Lulu 9 months pregnant and it just so happened in the next episode Lulu got morning sick. Maxie talked Lulu into taking a pregnancy test so she went & bought one at the Hospital gift shop. Lulu's test turned out positive. Then she and Dante talked about it and they decided they were happy about it even though they never really talked about children. They made an appointment with an ObGyn at the hospital for a real pregnancy test and it turned out that Lulu was not pregnant. They asked the doctor if the pregnancy Lulu got from the gift shop was defective and the doctor said No. It is is possible Lulu took the maternity test at that split second in time that showed a genuine positive.

So Lulu in a way feels like she lost something since it was really just a miraculous fluke the test showed positive.

So Lulu's pregnancy was one example of a vision even though for the time being things worked out differently. Today Olivia had a vision that the water she was given was contaminated (and Jerry Jax contaminated the PC water supply). She also pictured Dr. Keenan as a demon (and he is the one who kidnapped Joselyn so Jerry could inject Joss with the antibody to the water contaminant). Plus Dr. Keenan has a had a minor rule in some other misdoings (apparently against his will since Jerry Jax is pulling the strings).

Jerry Jax showed up only a few days ago. He is apparently sick or something since he has these horrid coughing fits when no one is around. We aren't really sure what motivated him to show up in Port Charles again. We know he had Joselyn, his niece (Carly & Jax's baby) and Alexis injected with some kind of antidote so they will not get sick with whatever is in the water supply.

So far we know Dr. Keenan is helping Jerry Jax. Dr. Keenan is also the one who has been keeping Robin alive and sedated. She is not really dead. Dr. Keenan made sure a body burned beyond recognition was left after the fire. Heather told Anna (the new police chief) that Robin is really alive so Ana has been looking for clues to see if Robin really is alive. Anna almost discovered Robin at the sanatorium but Jerry had Robin spirited away to a spa in Switzerland. Anna found a brochure for said spa Robin left as a clue so that is why Anna is at the spa. Luke showed up today to rescue Anna.

We know Joe Scully Jr (the guy who raped Kate when she was 18 and is also Trey's father) is helping Jerry. It was also revealed that Joe in some way helped Jerry last time he escaped death.

Just as an FYI: Joe talked his son into trying to get Kristina to marry him. Joe wants to get back at Sonny by way of Kristina. Joe is deluded into believing Sonny stole his legacy all those years ago. In reality Joe was not up to the task of being anymore than a thug and his father banished him to Atlantic City. Joe murdered Theresa (John McBain's sister) all those years ago as well. So, since Joe raped Kate & he killed Teresea is the reason both John McBain and Sonny have a temporary alliance

Jerry's fingers are in a lot of pies but the entire story line has not revealed itself in a cohesive manner yet. Today is the day Jerry Jax announced to the citizens of Port Charles that the water supply has been (or will be) contaminated.