Can anyone give me a rational reason why this question was deleted?
Liberals constantly ask "why do Republicans hate women?" or "why do conservatives want to kill old people", or "why do right-wingers hate...(fill in the blank)"
I asked "why do left-wingers hate successful people?", and it was immediately deleted. What gives?
Favorite Answer
Questions are deleted whenever enough users with sufficient trust levels report them. Which questions are viewed by which people that find them offensive are random, so which violations get reported and deleted are random too.
Truth is, all of the questions you mentioned are violations. They all are making negatively-biased assumptions towards groups of people. They are really more about stating an opinion than seeking facts, which makes them rants and violations for misuse of the question-and-answer format.
I believe questions are deleted upon complaint automatically and without human review. By the way, like many left wingers, I was a highly successful capitalist!
Because it was reported by one or more reliable users. Your question was a rant violation as are the others. Only difference yours was reported the others weren't.