obama is part of a very strange hidden movement, that should have been more visible before, why?

obama does not want to serve America he wants to rule America, he has an agenda that I have never been aware of, or my votes would have been different! I had no idea so many democrats were being turned around by the up and coming socialists! Go look at the video's on obama the dictator want to be who has plans as castro and chavez and hitler to try to win election then legislate the end of terms limits for presidents as all dictators as chavez and castro did and do, and attack and promise the riches of the wealthy to the poor then make the entire nation poor and impoverished! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=l-HqHSkYG-Y


Favorite Answer

That has been his primary motive of operation right from the start.


Barack Obama is not a part of a very strange hidden movement. This is why it is not now visible, nor ever will be.

It's probably best that you not use conspiracy-oriented Internet websites and YouTube videos as objective and factual resources for all of your information. One of the best things I ever was learned was how to evaluate resources. Your local public librarian could probably help you, if you feel you need some assistance.