B&A: What's your opinion of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries?

If you haven't heard of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, it's a modern-day adaptation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice in a vlog form, run by Hank Green of the VlogBrothers. And it's fantastic. http://www.youtube.com/user/LizzieBennet

I honestly love this so much. I love how they capture the integrity of the themes, and interpret things to make sense to the modern-day American culture, while maintaining the general idea of what was being done in the novel. (Such as Mr. Collins's "proposal" to Elizabeth being a business proposition instead of an actual marriage proposal.) Also, Mr. Bingley ---> "Bing Lee" Ha! So clever! :P

Really, I just adore this so much.

What is your opinion, Books & Authors? Do you think the diaries have done justice to the characters? Is there anything you take issue with? Do you have a favorite episode? :)


Favorite Answer

I agree, I think the Lizzie Bennet Diaries are really fantastic. I was questioning at first how the modern vlog style would work for Pride & Prejudice, but it's really started to come together. The characters are all -just- like the ones from the books, but in modern American form (except for Mrs. Bennet apparently)! It's absolutely brilliant. I especially love the modern Lydia haha. And Kitty as an actual kitty - I couldn't stop laughing about that, and the obvious symbolism is carries (Kitty as Lydia's pet). And we won't talk about my minor crush on Bing Lee :p

I'm pretty sure nothing like this has been done before, which is what makes it so amazing. I'm definitely a fan!

Oh, and my favorite episode was probably when Bing Lee played doctor to the sick Jane. It was morally questionable to film/post on Youtube on Lizzie's part haha, but still absolutely adorable to see.

P.S. -sticks out tongue at Lyra- see, I'm not the only one who likes it!

Edit: Question for you all. What do you make of Caroline? Is she just playing nice, or do you think she'll end up as a genuine friend to Lizzie in this series?