So I woke up early today because I heard my dogs whining. They don't usually do this, but I took them out because I assumed they had to go. They peed like they normally did and I waited if they had to poop, but one of my dogs peed two times after the first time. I went to sleep again, but I woke up when my dad said that they had peed inside. My dogs haven't peed inside in a long time. When I looked, there was blood mixed in with my girl dog's pee and there were random drops all around the room. When I rubbed her belly I also noticed that there was blood around her bottom. She acts like she normally does but I know this isn't normal. I know I need to take her to a vet right away, but I can't drive yet and I can't get a ride. Is there anything I need to know?
Favorite Answer
Any time that there is blood in a dogs urine, it is a sign of an infection. It's not normal at all. If the blood is coming from her bottom, it could mean any number of things, including hemorrhoids. She needs to see a vet as soon as possible. It could be a very serious matter.
Why the hell do people post questions like this? If you are a responsible pet owner then taking your dog to the vet is the ONLY option. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not sailing into you personally (you seem pretty young) but your father or mother need to get that dog to a vet immediately!!! No "if's and's or but's" . If however you not a minor, then how about calling a cab to get this poor dog the help he needs. Please people take care of your furry friends :) they are always there for you unconditionally when you come home from work to happily greet you. They can't call 911 and rely on us (humans) in situations like this.
easily the only thank you to verify what's going on is for a million. You to take a urine pattern in/the vet collects by using using a catheter interior the place of work, and have it analysed for Ph/crystals etc. 2. Your vet to verify his bladder 3. Your vet to do an entire blood workup on him. in spite of the case, he needs to verify your vet and while you at the instant are not happy, and nonetheless seeing blood, choose for a 2nd opinion. by the variety are you particular you're seeing blood via fact aside from while there is snow on the floor, it incredibly is extremely confusing to tell no rely if there is blood, different than seeing a gloomy shade pee. by the variety 8 miles is one heck of a walk, somewhat if he's off-shade (producing blood in his urine). i think of i could lower back off the workout purely somewhat, till you know what's going on with him. you at the instant are not at risk of get a ideal prognosis around right here (with know).
My dog had the same thing you need her/him to have surgery (if it is the same thing my dog had there were cristles in his bladder and felt like it had to pee. the blood is really nott good.) GO TO A VET good luck