Example: Matthew 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Luke.16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
@ Tree Geek - I'm not a troll - I'm a very serious Christian wanting to know why others deny Bible truths
How did I make a false assumption - The question says "some" I did not use the word "all"??
Favorite Answer
No one wants to believe there is a hell, but that doesn't make it go away...
The problem is that there is a common misconception of what the Bible 'Hell' really is.
It is generally thought that "hell" is a fiery place of punishment for sins.
But, the word "hell" in the same verses in other translations read "the grave," "the world of the dead," etc.
Collier’s Encyclopedia (1986, Vol. 12, p. 28) says this concerning “Hell”:
“First it stands for the Hebrew Sheol of the Old Testament and the Greek Hades of the Septuagint and New Testament. Sheol in Old Testament times referred SIMPLY TO THE ABODE OF THE DEAD.”
The Bible describes that when someone dies, that person will simply cease to exist:
"The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all." (Eccl. 9:5)
But the Bible *also* talks about a promised hope in the future for those who have died:
"The hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear [Jesus'] voice and come out." (John 5:28, 29)
Acts 24:15 says that "there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous."
You may appreciate the following related articles:
What Really Is Hell? http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2002521
Luke 16:19-31 - A Parable That Does NOT Teach a Literal Torment in Hell http://searchforbibletruths.blogspot.com/2011/08/luke-1619-31-parable-that-does-not.html
What is Meant By Jesus’ Words at Matthew 10:28? http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200001160#s=8:245-8:1120
WHATEVER image the word “hell” brings to your mind, hell is generally thought of as a place of punishment for sin. Concerning sin and its effect, the Bible says: “Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men because they had all sinned.” (Romans 5:12) The Scriptures also state: “The wages sin pays is death.” (Romans 6:23)
THOSE who teach that hell is a place of torment promote a gross misrepresentation of Jehovah God and his qualities. Granted, the Bible does say that God will destroy the wicked. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9) But righteous anger is not God’s dominant quality.
God is not malicious or vindictive. He even asks: “Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” (Ezekiel 18:23, King James Version) If God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, how could he for all eternity delight in watching these ones being tormented? God’s preeminent quality is love. (1 John 4:8) Indeed, “the LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.” (Psalm 145:9, The Holy Bible—New International Version) In return, God wants us to develop heartfelt love for him.—Matthew 22:35-38.
2 Peter 3:9 states Jehovah* is not slow respecting his promise, as some people consider slowness, but he is patient with YOU because he does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.