Why won't yahoo let me change my picture?

The picture I want follows all the guidelines, it's under 5 MB and it's a PNG file, so why doesn't Yahoo let me change it?


Actually, the main problem is the file format. It's a PNG file, but for some reason Yahoo just says

"Sorry, we cannot accept this file format.
Please select a JPG, JPEG, or PNG file."

And it IS a PNG file.


Favorite Answer

Click on your username
Edit my Preferences
Update Photo or Avatar / Change name
Don’t forget to click Submit at the bottom of the page.

Sometimes it takes 24 hrs. for the change to take effect and make sure your pulse profile is NOT set to private.


Yeah that's a glitch on this site, Sometimes if you leave it alone it will show up the next day, Mainly because it's a filtering process to make sure it's rated G and not porn. -Ronnie