Find the limit (fairly difficult, may be related to Maclaurin series of e^x)?

Find the given limit:

lim { e^-n * (1 / 0! + n / 1! + n^2 / 2! + n^3 / 3! + ... + n^n / n!) }
as n goes to infinity.

This was a problem on a friend's exam a while back. I ended up evaluating the limit after he and I talked about it, but I had to use some decently high-level tools on the way. If anyone is interested, I'll give the sketch of what I did, but I'm curious to see if anyone can solve it differently.


Both my friend and I thought it was 1 at first. The problem is that the series for e^x doesn't converge uniformly, so you can't just use the convergence of the Maclaurin series. The limit, for those who are still interested, is 1/2 (I debated putting it in the question to begin with...).

It may very well be unsolvable using just ordinary calculus tools. I would still welcome an elementary-ish solution, but mostly I'm just wondering if there's a different proof from my own.


alwbsok: You forgot the (n+1)st derivative term in Taylor's theorem. If you were to fix this, then the resulting limit you would want to show (for the error bound) is
n^(n+1) / (n+1)! - 0,
which isn't true anymore.

Thanks for the serious answer (it's odd how rare they are on here sometimes!).

Waiting to see if there's another proof!


Of course, I meant
"n^(n+1) / (n+1)! - 0"
with the arrow for the limit... hurrah for the inability to correct typos in questions!


@_@ - Okay, now Y!A is just messing with me. I chalked it up to my being tired that I missed the arrow the first time, but the second I know I put it there... -_-.


gianlino: I do agree your limit is equivalent, but I wasn't able to find how to show it...

And since you asked, my proof goes something like this:
If X_1, ... , X_n are independent Poisson random variables with mean 1, then the sum
S_n = X_1 + ... + X_n
is a Poisson random variable with mean n.

Then the limit we want is the limit of
P( S_n


That's bizarre... it keeps cutting out random parts of my details...

The limit is the limit of
P( S_n less than or equal to n ),
which by the central limit theorem is
P( Z less than or equal to 0 ) = 1/2
(where Z is a std normal r.v.)


Favorite Answer

It is equivalent to show that

lim { e^-n * (sum [k<= n] n^k/k! - sum [k > n] n^k/k! ) } = 0.

If you cut at n/2, 3n/2 and group symmetrically the terms in between, each part goes to 0 and it is not hard to show.

Taylor is irrelevant here. After you use the power series expansion of e^n, you just perform elementary estimates.

Btw what is, in few words, your own proof?

edit: Of course using the CLT theorem for that seems a little too much but why not? Did you try the cutting and grouping I suggested?


Right, I know what I screwed up. I should have checked my first step. I misapplied Taylor's theorem. The inequality I needed was:

|e^x - (1 / 0! + x / 1! + x^2 / 2! + ... + x^n / n!)| <= e^x * x^(n + 1) / (n + 1)!

which would spoil the convergence. Let me think about this.

Ah, I see you caught that too.


The series is the expansion of e^n, so the limit is 1 (e^0)


As always, math stack exchange has several *excellent* proofs. (Most of them are methodically quite similar, though.)

I was disturbed by the possibility that this could be a high-school calculus exercise...