Is there a way to prevent motion sickness on rides?

When I go to amusement parks, I get sick on stationary spinning rides... Things like tilt-a-whirls and even tea cups or even those spinning hanging chairs make me very nauseous. I've never thrown up from it, but I've gotten close. I was wondering if there's any way to prevent the nausea. I've heard taking motion sickness meds before hand can help, but I don't want the drowsiness side effect as that would suck for the rest of the day. So, anyone got any ideas?

The odd thing is that I'm fine when it comes to roller coasters. Just with stationary spinning rides I get really sick feeling.


Favorite Answer

I've heard Dramamine can help, but I've never tried it. I used to love the tilt a whirl, but now they make me sick. I'd recommend trying at a local fair or carnival first. That way if you still get sick, it's no big deal, versus ending up sick at an Amusement Park, and not enjoying the rest of the day.

J R2012-08-31T02:11:10Z

Well the point of the spinning rides is to make you dizzy and some people can not take it as well in your case. Just like a lot of things, you can not really get used to it in that sense. But there's a chance that it's possible and the only way to test it is by going on it again and again. In my case, some video games have me feeling motion sickness with the fast motions and random rotations and I get over it after a week of playing it. So if you really want to get over motion sickness on rides, test it even though it might be torturous.


Take a just right company of motion ailment tablet, like Bonine. No part results. Over-the-counter (no prescription needed) and relatively low cost. On hand at any grocery store or druggist. One little pill a day and even my husband, who gets violently green and seasick has no drawback. (he still avoids curler coasters, although). Some men and women swear by using ginger tablets ginger tea, or those wrist bands with rough bumps that match on a pressure point, however I do not have expertise with them. Now we have located most other manufacturers of motion ailment drugs make you either drowsy, drymouthed, or give an upset stomach (the patch at the back of the ear does all three and is high-priced). Sometimes folks have lingering, marginal inside ear infections that have an effect on their stability and produce motion illness. It perhaps excellent to be checked out through an ear-nose-throat healthcare professional just in case, or your usual health care professional could eliminate that probability.


I get very sick from spinning rides. Dramamine helps, but on rides that spin this much-tea cup ride- no medication is going to prevent, eliminate all dizziness

there is non drowsy Dramamine

It is not odd you don't get sick on roller coasters. they don't go round and round and round

Indiana Jones2012-08-31T10:13:32Z

its called dramamine.
my friend takes it and she doesn't seem to be sleepy.

btw its not odd at all to get sick on spinny rides and not roller coasters.
thats typically the norm when you are prone to motion sickness.