Christians answer this.?

If someone is visiting their father's grave and they look up and see him standing beside them and they have a 3 minute conversation with him until he just as suddenly disappears (a person I worked with told me this), or if someone else is in their living room thinking of their grandfather and there's a framed picture of him and it falls off the wall and then they see a silver mist near the ground that looks like him and they get an intense mystical feeling of love at the same time - are these events tricks of the devil?


Favorite Answer

another bad argument for an athiest? You are mocking the other side's point of view which is very disrespectful. Learn some respect more you debate. Atleast when christians criticize your point of view they don't mock it. Have you ever seen a presidential debate in which the candidate who disrespected his/her opponent win the debate. No.

Mr Brown2012-09-02T22:13:24Z

Sometimes yes,sometimes it is not...This is a double edged sword and only God can aswer this for sure....I believe God allows those who are with him to come to Earth and talk to us if it is something extremelly important/relevant.Right when my grandmum passed away,something similar happened...she warned us about something that is indeed happening now...if that was the devil or not,it is happening anyway but I don`t believe it was a trick of the devil.However,God condemns talking to the dead,we are not allowed to seek them,when we do so,there`s a high chance it is the devil trying to deceive us and since we don`t know for sure,it is best to just avoid it by all means.
Oh,and only people who are in heaven can actually come to Earth...If angels can,why can`t a normal person who is also a spirit?


Stranger things have happened. Look up Angels on Earth. All things GOD are real.

God Bless Ya,
Chicago Bob

There is more joy in Jesus in one day.
Than there is in the World 365/24/7
I know, I tried them both.
Numbers 6:24-26


I wouldn't say that it's a devils trick it looks more like a trick of your mind,maybe you are going through some very hard period of time and you start to halucinate a little,so if this hallucinations are happening more often you or your friend should check for a psychiatrist to get proper treatment and medications
Good luck.


The bible talks about familiar spirits in the Old Testament. While the spirits of loved ones are not able to make contact with us, spirits from the demonic realm who may be familiar with the departed one, are able to mimic them and convince the unsuspecting that they are in touch with a loved one.

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