Atheists who rely on 'reason' and 'rationality' to defend your position?

Does it bother you at all that Albert Einstein, one of the greatest, if not THE greatest scientist who ever lived, said that the more he learned about the universe the more convinced he was it could not have come about randomly?


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Cherry picking again I see?
I assume you are also going to say he believed in God. If I was you I was go read up some more about Einstien and his beliefs. He used God in a metaphorical sense, to describe the universe and the order. Not a man in the sky smiting the heathens.

Occam's Pitbull2012-09-02T15:06:45Z

I don't care what Einstein may have said until you provide a source for that quote.

The universe can also be non-random without being the result of intelligence. Natural laws (physics, chemistry) make it non-random, and work without your god. If Einstein said that, I would assume that is what he meant.

Also, you're committing the "argument from authority" fallacy - assuming that we should believe whatever Einstein said simply because he was Einstein. His personal beliefs have no bearing on mine. Though he was certainly an atheist, I am not one because he was.

Einstein was just ONE scientist, in a long line of scientists before and after him, who have expanded our understanding of the universe. He does not encompass physics or science on his own, not even close, despite how important his contributions are.


Atheist don't claim the universe is random... And I still wanna see a quote. Something like

"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."

Edit: BTW einstein didn't believe the universe "came about" you've clearly never read much by him. He believed the universe has always been there and always will be.

Grey Warden2012-09-02T15:05:03Z

Not at all. What bearing does Albert Einstein's beliefs have on mine?

Space Wasp2012-09-02T15:14:47Z

It is not "reasonable" or "rational" to base your "position" on the beliefs of someone else - however much of an 'authority' they are considered to be. Any "position" that I choose to take is based on the available evidence, not on how someone else may have interpreted that evidence.

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