Reptiles or small pets for travelers?

I work on the road (hotels every night) for 9 months a year. I really miss my dog while I'm away and would like to have a small pet to travel with me. I had a feeder mouse a few years ago and she was a great traveling companion but I'd rather not have shavings in the car again. She was perfect in that she slept through the day while I was driving or working and was awake at night when I had time to play with her. I have thought about a small lizard but I believe they all need hear lamps, right?
I'd really be open to any suggestions if anyone can think of one, my main concern is that I wouldn't want to make any animal unhappy or uncomfortable. The biggest problem with that being their cage moving between the car and hotels. Any ideas?


Favorite Answer

I wouldn't go for a reptile... Like you said, they all need lamps and proper temperatures, and most reptiles would stress out very much with the moving their enclosures around. I would stick with a small mouse or hamster. They don't require huge cages, they sleep a lot.. And it'll give you some company :) I think theyd be your best bet. Anything larger would
Require a lot more space and attention