Do you believe in karma?

The evil and the good we do in our life is suppose to come back to us ten fold. I believe it does. Sometimes it takes a while. I'd like to know your opinions and if karma has come back to you for something you have done. Thank you.


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Yes I do believe in it. It has happened to me but I would rather not discuss the details. Once the pain healed though I was able to come out the other side happier and more whole. So the pain was worth it.


In Karma idea, dangerous karma are not able to be defeated through doing well karmas. The account for dangerous karmas are separate. And the account of well karmas are separate. The results of karma are not able to be mitigated. It should be loved or suffered. There is a Sanskrit Sloka: "Avasyam anubhogthavyam kritham karma subha asubham; naa bhugtham ksheeyathe karma kalpa koti sathairapi". Meaning; We ought to suffer the results of our karmas, if it is well or dangerous. No karma gets erased through doing different deeds. Sometime we must think that we don't seem to be doing and that nature is bringing this kind of situation to drive us to take a usual direction to adopt that movement. There is a announcing in Mahanarayana Upanishad: "Kamokarsheet Manyurakarsheet Namo Namah". It is an complicated factor, which I don't desire to provide an explanation for right here. Those who recognize can have an understanding of.


Yes, I believe Karma, Karma, Karma Chameleon was sung quite well by Boy George.



Innocent people are murdered and tortured everyday. Common, civilian people. What could they have done to deserve such things? Karma cannot exist in a fair way, if it even does exist.

Good and bad are also subjective, they're based on societal norms. One thing good in one culture is bad to another. Karma would be biased and unfair.