What are some good free Autodesk Maya 3D animation learning tools?

I was learning Blender, which has a lot of great free tutorials and forums for learning. But when I search for something similar to learn Maya, I mostly keep finding pay sites with a few sample tutorials. Does anyone know any good sites that have video tutorials and forums for asking questions?


Favorite Answer

Digital-tutors and Gnomon are good, both have a few free tutorials.

Best to start with reading the Maya docs on the areas of interest. For animating, particularly the graph editor, trax editor, and timeline.


well for maya if you ask me try downloading a ebook called mastering maya 2009
type it in google and you should also download a dvd file that has some project files in it. this is some 1000 pages of book. it will sure help you out.

but i keep finding pay sites for blender. where di you learn blender for free? i mean if blender is free why do i always get pay sites for it.

anyway i hope i helped. please add the blender sites in details. i will check it after sometime.


Attractive 3D Animation Software - http://3dAnimationCartoons.com/?IaNi


try youtube