What should I do about this restaurant job?

I got hired as a prep cook for a job that goes 6 days a week Mon - Sun and goes from 7 a.m. till noon or later everyday. I would have to get up at 5 everyday. The thought of getting up so early 6 days a week is not making me happy. Added to that I have some housecleaning customers I do privately and with no week days off I would have to discontinue them and lose over $200 a week.

Would it be really unthinkable and wrong to call the guy at the restaurant tomorrow and ask if possibly I could work like 3 days instead of 6? Would that seem really trashy and low? Would it be a huge turn off? Would he withdraw the offer? What do you think?


Favorite Answer

Call.....the worse he could do is say no. He may let you work that way until he can hire someone who needs those hours. I would love a job like that with steady hours.....but I am.a morning person.

Steve D2012-09-07T01:24:41Z

since he obviously needs someone six days a week, he will probably withdraw the offer and give it to the next person he interviewed. What you could do is start work 6 days a week and ask the owner if he could find a second prep cook to work part time so you can cut your days back to 3 - this gives him a chance to make proper arrangements, limits your time working 6 days and keeps the job.

Master of your head2012-09-10T20:06:37Z

you tell your boss you waont to work 3 days.someone would be glad to take your hours.they dont care about how many days you want to work.