How can I manage my anger better?

First of all: I know no one on here is a professional or anything. I'm just asking.

I'm not going into a whole history thing here, but I'll just say when I get angry it doesn't go well. I tend to hurt myself; either by punching walls or cutting. Otherwise I'll yell at anyone around me or just be so angry I can't even move.

What are good ways I can manage my anger better? Due to some other stuff I know I should see a shrink or something but my mom is crazier than I am and refuses to believe anythig is wrong.

Animals help a lot but I'm not allowed to adopt a dog yet since my sister already has two and I can't be running out to see the goats every ten minutes.
I just want to be able to deal with this better..


I wish I could talk to somebody. But I'm only 15 and have no way of doing anything without my mom knowing- and I really can't ask her. She'd just make up excuses then never talk about it again. Is there any online thing I can do? I'm so lost..I KNOW something is wrong, I've done a lot of research about it and I just want to know for sure..


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First be good and do well. Then you can gradually attempt in a slow and steady manner - step-by-step to reach higher levels of perfection.


I do a pretty good job of managing it. I am mad for a few hours sometimes, or a few days. Then let go of it. Sometimes, I've had to get a notebook filled with paper, and write and write and write. Ranting and railing against the person I am mad at. When I have all the anger expressed, I build a bonfire in my fire pit, and burn all those pages full of anger. Never fails to make me feel better. Anger can be good for me, as I will then speak up and express my thoughts and views to someone who has been hurting me. During happier days, I sometimes swallow little hurts. There are times when we should speak up. Of course, anger has also made me face persons who are much bigger or stronger physically, than I am. I could get hurt. But, so far, everyone I've faced has backed down, not wanting to get in my way.


You need to talk to a counselor. You are NOT alone and many people suffer from anger disorder. Their are many programs you can attend. They will help you deal with the anger and be with people that deal with the same isses. You should not have to live this way. Life is too short and you should be happy. You can probably find a free group locally (social services) and do not need your Mom's permission. Try talking to your Mom about this. Does she know you are cutting?? She should help you find some one to talk to . Please don't give up. Things can and will get better. I've been in Therapy and its helped me very much.


Well if possible get help! Yes it sounds foreign but go for it ONLY if you want. I'm not gonna force you but here's another thing I learned in my chemistry class. When your really angry then close your eyes and take super duper deep breath and hold it for about 5 seconds and exhale really slow. then when you feel like punching something don't punch the wall or yourself! Punch a pillow! Anything that's SOFT! trust me it works! :)


You could take your angry feelings and put them on paper... or you could take up a sport such as Martial Arts It helped me a whole lot because I 've got a bit of anger issues myself and it taught me self discipline and when and how the correct way to fight someone else if you think it'll help by talking to a shrink then so be it. hope these help a bit.

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