Why do anti-abortionists call themselves "pro-lifers" when a vast majority of them favor capital punishment?

They should call themselves what they really are, "anti-choice" rather than lying. Since many anti-abortionists are Christian, they directly violate one of the 10 Commandments, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor" when they call themselves "pro-life".


@Mario - WTF are you talking about? Did you even read my question? Time for you to get back on your meds I think.


Pretty much agrees *exactly* with how I used it, smart guy...


@Creation Detective - "Judge not lest ye be judged yourself." Hypocrite much?


@Creation Detective - All? http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/innocence-and-death-penalty Statistics beg to differ.


@Gabby Little Angel - We CANNOT tell the difference between a guilty criminal and an innocent criminal with 100% certainty. See the link I posted for Creation Detective. Pro-choice advocates are not in favor of aborting every fetus. They are in favor of keeping abortion legal and allowing a woman the choice. The term is accurately used. Your argument is a failure.


@Gabby Little Angel - And it's called "terminating a pregnancy" not "killing a baby". Who gets punished when a pregnancy ends in miscarriage? If you're going to label "death" of a fetus "murder", someone needs to be held accountable. Are you claiming that a mother whose pregnancy ends in miscarriage is guilty of neglect? You are a terrible person.

Splash Frog2012-09-08T17:23:08Z

Favorite Answer

....And if their God "loves everyone" then why do they hate gay people so much?

Religion is simply contradictory..


it rather is a notably difficulty-loose question right here. you will see that the main difficulty-loose reaction from professional-existence/professional-CP human beings is that an unborn toddler is harmless, jointly as the dying penalty is reserved in basic terms for people who "deserve it." What I relatively have yet to make certain is a clever reaction to the very actual undertaking of wrongful convictions. in the final 35 years in the U.S., 133 human beings have been released from dying row because of the fact they have been exonerated by potential of DNA and different information. those are all people who have been discovered to blame “previous a clever doubt.” regrettably, DNA information isn't obtainable in maximum situations. So, as long because of the fact the dying penalty is in place, you're notably plenty specific to occasionally execute an harmless individual. inspite of politics, how can absolutely everyone be happy with that?

Gabby Little Angel2012-09-08T17:50:28Z

We can tell the difference between an innocent human baby and a guilty criminal.

Unlike the pro-abortionists, who call themselves "pro-choicers" when they should call themselves what they really are....

Somebody help me come up with an accurate term to describe a person who takes the life of an innocent human being....


Yes, we should also allow random strangers go into our houses, let them kill everyone inside and then allow them to choose if they want to accept their punishment.

You need to learn the difference between eliminating a psycho which is a danger to the society and killing an innocent baby.

"Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor" - Do you even understand what this means?

@Additional Details:
Of course not all of them. World would have to be 100% perfect for that, which is just impossible.
We have to accept that, but I see that some people are just unable to do so.

neil s2012-09-08T17:26:52Z

They assume a fetus is a human life. Since this is precisely the point of contention over abortion (in most situations), that means they are presenting their position as if it were an argument for their position. That's called "begging the question," a fallacy.

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