Why do anti-abortionists call themselves "pro-lifers" when a vast majority of them favor capital punishment?
They should call themselves what they really are, "anti-choice" rather than lying. Since many anti-abortionists are Christian, they directly violate one of the 10 Commandments, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor" when they call themselves "pro-life".
@Mario - WTF are you talking about? Did you even read my question? Time for you to get back on your meds I think.
Pretty much agrees *exactly* with how I used it, smart guy...
@Creation Detective - "Judge not lest ye be judged yourself." Hypocrite much?
@Creation Detective - All? http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/innocence-and-death-penalty Statistics beg to differ.
@Gabby Little Angel - We CANNOT tell the difference between a guilty criminal and an innocent criminal with 100% certainty. See the link I posted for Creation Detective. Pro-choice advocates are not in favor of aborting every fetus. They are in favor of keeping abortion legal and allowing a woman the choice. The term is accurately used. Your argument is a failure.
@Gabby Little Angel - And it's called "terminating a pregnancy" not "killing a baby". Who gets punished when a pregnancy ends in miscarriage? If you're going to label "death" of a fetus "murder", someone needs to be held accountable. Are you claiming that a mother whose pregnancy ends in miscarriage is guilty of neglect? You are a terrible person.