Should I read Cloud Atlas before seeing the movie.?

I'm not worried about not understanding the film. I'm looking for a new book to read and the trailer looks incredible and have only read amazing things about the book.

I'm going on a look trip next week and will probably have time to start and finish the book on the travel there and back.


Favorite Answer

I haven't read or watched it but you should definetely read the book first. You'll be able to understand the movie a whole lot better because books always explain much more than the movies. Like the Hunger Games. The movie would be confusing if you hadn't read the books first.


I haven't read the book your talking about but I advice not to read the book first cause movies are all ways different from the original book and thus you lose interest in the movie. I'm telling you this with personal experience cause this happened to me in Harry Potter and Eragorn so watch the movie first then read the book.