Need help with Java program?

So i'm in an intro to java class and i'm making a Fahrenheit to Celsius converter, just for practice. I got it to work inside bluej, but when I try to run the jar file, nothing happens, but the program says that there are no syntax errors! here is my code:

import java.util.*;

public class main

private int farenheit;

main ()
farenheit = 70;

main ( int f )
farenheit = f;

public void setFarenheit (int differentFarenheit)
farenheit = differentFarenheit;

public void askUserForFarenheit ()
Scanner keyIn;
keyIn = new Scanner (;

System.out.print ("Enter the temperature in Farenheit: ");
String input = keyIn.nextLine ();

int nFarenheit = Integer.parseInt (input) ;

setFarenheit (nFarenheit);
printCelcius ();

public void printCelcius ()
int f = farenheit;
double a = (f-32)*5;
double b = a/9;

String weather;
if(b > 32 )
weather = "It's quite hot, be sure to use sunscreen!";
else if (b < 22)
weather = "It's a little chilly, wear a sweater!";
weather = "It's nice and cool.";

System.out.println ("The temperature in celcius is " + b + " degrees.");

System.out.println ("Forecast: " + weather);




Favorite Answer

Have you tried using the Eclipse IDE? it really helps finding errors or making coding easier at times.

You can also use ninite and it will automatically install Eclipse along with other software of your choice


Why roll your individual whilst there is in all probability a calendar widget you are able to reuse? via the way, the Java API itself supplies many helpful instructions and interfaces: Date, Calendar, GregorianCalendar, DateFormat, and SimpleDateFormat.