If Obama had done a better job apologizing for America would our ambassador still be alive?

Maybe Obama should apologize for not being a good apologizer. Everyone knows if you want to be a strong nation your leaders need to be good apologizers.


Personally for me November just can't get here soon enough. It is embarrsing that our troops have to work for this coward who then takes credit for any of their successes and doesn't support them when the heat is on. All of our ambassadors and citizens over seas are at risk with Obama in charge because he would not lift a finger if he thought it might offend someone unless they were Jewish, or Catholic.


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Cairo is not our friend and Obama and Hillary have made a mockery out of US by ignoring the deliberate death of our Ambassador. Supposedly he was taken to a safe house ,but the mob knew exactly where he was and hunted him down and killed him.

Today a reporter asked a question at the presidential press conference which could have been answered easily. The question was "is this an act of war". Obama put his arm around Hillary's shoulder and ignored the question as the both walked off the platform.


The US Embassy in Cairo apologized BEFORE the riot there. Obama runs the Embassies. Did he fire whoever sent out the apology that only encouraged the rioters by signalling the likely unwillingness of the US to do anything other than make a "strongly worded statement."


Politics is all fun and games until somebody fires off an RPG.

0bama leadership has transcended embarrassing, and is now quantifiably dangerous.


No, I don't believe anything could be done to appease the Arabs, the Egyptian, the Libyans or whoever.


This guy needs to be fired. Nov. can't come soon enough for people who are currently in harms way.

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