First time voter, what should you know?

Have you ever wondered why so many American's don't vote? I pondered, could it be because they just don't know how? Ok, so we get registered at the post office, court house, etc. They send you a voter registration card, now what???? Let's help out our fellow American's this year and make EVERY vote count. Please, leave your suggestions for others, and a step by step voting experience for those who have never done it before. Can you imagine being the one person to get in line and then NOT know what to do? Intimidation is not something we need to let keep us from the polls this year. Help out Americans!


@Jim, that's just it. I think they keep putting off the online voting because they know it would turn elections upside down. Thank you for answering.


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Hah, I'm waiting for their 1970's behinds to let me Vote online. I don't write cheques, I don't mail my bills, I don't have a home phone, I don't have a digital antenna to watch TV.... ITS ALL DONE ONLINE!!!!!

It's not that I am intimidated, I want to vote... it's that I live in the boonies and I have to go to the nearest elementary school on the right day at a certain time to get it done. A pain in the butt on a busy schedule.

On a side note... When I got my license renewed a few months ago, they asked me if I would like to register to vote.. which I did. A lot of good that did... lol- give me an Online Voting form when the time comes! Until that happens, I'm sure some corrupt politician will assume my vote since I'm registered.