Will my military ID be valid on the date of expiration?

The DEERS office at US Southern Command closes at 12:00 on Fridays, so I wasn't able to make it there on time to get a new CAC. My ID expires this Sunday, which is the same day I have a PHA (Periodic Health Assessment). My CAC needs to be valid for that, I believe. I've extended, so I have the paperwork, but will my CAC still be valid in the system on the actual date of expiration? The DEERS office won't be open again until Monday.


Wow, what a bunch of useless answers. I live 2 hours from the nearest place I can get it done, their hours are short. I have to work. Not everything is black and white, kiddies. When you grow up you'll understand that.


Favorite Answer

You should have gone to the CAC office this week.


You must be one of those April 15 tax people? Last minute for everything?


you should be fine