girlfriend wants to study with an ex?
Well like we have been going out 3 months. things are great. we share everything with eachother and i love it she loves me also i know that for fact.
recently she and i were talking and she brings up that she wants to study a lesson on tempo or something with her ex that she broke up with . She says he was the best at it and all. she asks me "are you ok with this" . I kinda felt like it was a trap question, but i told her that I don't approve of it due to his behavior with her in the past. I trust he completely but i don't trust him. when they were broken up several times he tried kissing on her, sometimes successfully.... idk how she let that happen but you know females. He knows her weaknesses and things like that. and honestly im just not comfortable with it. she wants to do this Tuesday, i was half busy so i told her that i would talk to her again about it.
I just don't want her to call and be like... he kissed me or tried putting his hands on her or something. it would honestly crush me and i would be confused as to if it was the truth or not.
What baffles me is why does she even still want to be in his presence like that and talk to him after what he tried when they were broken up a few months ago.
She told me recently that she tried to give him a friendly hug and that he would not let her and said that it was over. this is what she told me about 2 days before she mention the studying thing. Is this stuff just calculated trickery or am i just overreacting.