Are red ants an ok species to put in a ant farm?

I have a ant farm and i am deciding whether to order the ants, or get my own. Fire ants are pretty much the only ants around. Could I use fire ants?


Favorite Answer

No fire ants. Never. You're a beginner and just want to watch some ants dig tunnels right? If so, just get some slim gel ant farm. You can just find some black ants, there's no way there's only fire ants in one area. You didn't search well enough. Get the black foraging workers and throw them in. They may or may not dig.

If they don't dig, get another batch, maybe a different species. Release the ones back to the same place. If they dig though, watch for a few days or a week or two, then release them. Be sure to feed them sugar water and insects. I don't think they'll eat it, but if they do, they'll survive longer.

If you find ants interesting, get a queen ant from after her nuptial flight. Keep her in a test tube setup until her first workers, then put them into a formicarium, preferably plaster/Ytong/Hydrostone. Please don't buy or dig out anthills for queens, you can still find one now, the nuptial flight season isn't over yet.


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Are red ants an ok species to put in a ant farm?
I have a ant farm and i am deciding whether to order the ants, or get my own. Fire ants are pretty much the only ants around. Could I use fire ants?


Alien ant farm did a cover of this song!! but i still like it


Fire Ant Farm


Not ants that you find in the street, no way Jose, but store red ants, sure.

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