What is Chocolate Malt Crunch ice cream? All i can find is that its popular in California...?
Im trying to make it (something similar) for my husband but I have never even heard of it..(hes from LA Im from Michigan). please describe it and whats in it so I can get as close as I can.. thanks so much
Favorite Answer
750ml milk 250ml double cream 6 egg yolks 140g sugar 85g milk chocolate , chopped 25g plain chocolate , chopped 140g original flavour ovaltine 154g pack Oreo cookies , broken into chunks about the size of a large pea Moderately easy Serves 8 Preparation and cooking times Preparation time
Prep 15 mins Cook time
Cook 20 mins plus churning Freezable Method
Bring the milk and cream to a simmer in a pan. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until combined. Pour the milk onto the eggs, stirring well. Pour this back into a cleaned-out saucepan and slowly heat through for about 10 mins, stirring all the time. Don't allow the liquid to simmer. It should thicken as it heats up and is ready when it's thick enough to coat the back of a wooden spoon. Pour the hot custard mix over the chocolate in a bowl and allow it to melt. Add the Ovaltine and whisk until smooth. Cool, then churn in an ice-cream machine. As it thickens, add the biscuits. Freeze. When ready to eat, serve with White chocolate sauce