Who else is sick and tired of the weird looking Nick storyline and the idiotic gay storyline?! I've quit watching because of it and the other ridiculous crap on there. It doesn't look any better than when the old writers were writing the old crap stories. The last two weeks, I've tuned in and immediately changed the channel when they start up with Nick or the gays. Is everybody else annoyed and disgusted as well?
Kibble Bits2012-09-17T10:15:26Z
Favorite Answer
I've almost stopped watching Days. Nick is boring, a horrible actor and he is not good looking. He has puffy strange lips and a goofy chin. The gay storyline is repulsive, totally uneccessary and not at all entertaining.
I'm sick of whiny Melanie and can't wait for her to leave. Daniel is a sappy schmuck, Nicole is man-hungry (disgusting for a pregnant woman desparate for sex), Rafe can't get over Sami, Cameron has no reason to be on the show and they killed off people that should have stayed.
It's going downhill fast, and will not be renewed in Sept 2013 when the contract is up. Just sayin'
Sick and tired is a nice way of putting it. I think the gay storyline is the beginning of the end for Days. I think the other soaps that we're cancelled also had a major gay storyline the year before cancellation. Either the writers all seem to want to write a major gay plot line or it is included to insure middle America won't support soaps. It just seems like the gay story takes over the whole show. I could do without Nick also. I don't care that he is a Horton. I can't believe Nick isn't gay too...
Yes I am so sick of these story lines as well. It totally amazes me that Maggie and the rest of the Horton clan suddenly started mentioning Nick when for the past 4 years he has not been mentioned not even one time. I wished that Will and Gabi would get together and than leave the show. I do not like Gabi. Will I can stand but not in the current story line.
I have been tired of Nick since he came back. I have nothing negative to say about the gay story line, as I am not against gay people. I just do not like Will.
I am sick and tired of looking at this creepy and deranged looking weirdo, sorry to say daytime soaps will soon be a thing of the past and with characters like him I can see why.
What was the purpose of bringing this idiot back? just to give Melanie a way off the soap, he was her out? hel/ the writers could have put her on a plane and said adios without bringing back the boring character he was when he was on there the first time.