Can you interpret a dream for me please?

Ok, so it's been three nights in a row and it's very freaky.

Last night: My mom and I are in the car, and we pull into a dark parking garage. We walk a couple floors up, and suddenly there's a mall kiosk thing, still dark and creepy. We go in, and now it's a dark room. Grungy tile floor, dim lighting and what looks like a dentists chair. I'm in the chair and it's leaned back, there's a man and maybe one more person leaning over me. The man is in a white lab coat thing. He takes a scalpel and cuts four lines into my lips, two on top and two on the bottom about an inch long and going out from the corners. He takes pliers and starts stretching the cuts apart and taking bits of flesh out- it looks like pinkish colored wet cloth. There isn't any pain and I'm not scared at all during the procedure. I just find it a little weird. The top cuts are stitched back together with two little knots at the tops. The bottom ones are now lip piercings, as he slides in two thick silver rings and stitches them up again. Like snakebite piercings, but the rings dont curve through my mouth, it's all on the outside. They're also very uneven. My mom and I get in the car and go home. All the stitches dissapeared, I just have rings which I take out somehow as soon as I get home. I know I'll be putting them in again the next night though.

While I'm in the chair, even though it's happening to me, I see it happen as though I'm standing next to myself.

The night before last was the same thing, except with two thin black hoops.

The night before that, I don't remember but I get the feeling it was the same thing.

What could this mean, if anything? It really freaks me out..


I don't know, I'm really into dreams and their meanings though and I'm trying to learn more about them but here is a couple links to websites if it helps (some of them helped me understand my dreams)
You might be able to find out some things about your dream, hopes it helps, sorry if it doesn't!