Vegetarian philosophy question?
People are vegetarians for many reasons.
Some people choose that path for health reasons.
Some people object to the amount of grain that could be feeding starving people is used to make burgers and choose to personally abstain.
Others are against raising livestock on factory farms.
Still others are against the utilization of one living being by another when not absolutely necessary...and we no longer need furs to stay warm and have enough food without meat to feed the world.
Over the years I have had many vegans and vegetarians ask about hunting or want to go hunting. Usually it is people who have chosen to be vegetarian for one of the first three reasons (less meat equals better health, farm raised meat is a resource waste, farm raised animals live in bad conditions)
But sometimes they tell me they are vegetarians because they are against eating animals, but they want to hunt and they will either not take the animal that is hunted, or they will give the animal away.
This makes absolutely no sense to me. I figure someone who is a vegetarian because they are against the killing of the animals wouldn't mind if I was walking through the woods and found a squirrel that died of old age and cooked it up for eating. I always figured it was the KILLING part. Would the vegetarians really be happy if we kept on sending millions of cattle to slaughter each year, but just never ate the meat? (just let it rot or something?)
Can any of you enlighten me?
For those who doubt that there are such people, I have talked to a lot and a lot pop up in the hunting forum. I estimate I see this kind of thing about once a week. I suppose it it's own way it is no more screwed up than a vegan who is one for philosophical rather than health reason who wears leather.
Here is the one that initiated my coming over here to ask;_ylt=AogMrgHZlWBLr5iZ2QMcRLzty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120921200927AAkFqmi