WHY WOULD men {such as pat robertson} who claim to be christians and titans of religion surrender to satan?

Strange I viewed a new video on youtube earlier, and in the film a man says that pat robertson and john hagee now die, and then in the second video he shows proof that pat and john hagee threatened him, to shoot him, and tells why! The first video is only 9 minutes long but the second is about ten minutes in when he shows the proof of their threatening him... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wqv03vtC54 AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-lechwfvH4&feature=youtu.be }


Favorite Answer

Why waste time watching nuts battle each other?


Both Pat and John, along with almost all other TV evangalists have nothing whatsoever to do with the God of the bible. If they did, they would keep His commandments, it's that simple (John 14:15). They are all Pharisees (CEO's called pastors) making millions off lazy so-called christians who refuse to read the bible for themselves. Theres a sucker born every minute. Yes they work for the enemy along with many others.


They are false Christians. These are the very type of men that were produced from the sons of God mixing themselves with the daughters of men. They are nephilim, giants, in the spiritual sense, not the physical sense.