what to do about a person who constantly complains about me?

this person has put in written complaints about me, the problem is that my work is different form hers, and she doesn't like the way I do it, has no understanding of why I do certain things and after badgering me yesterday, criticizing my work (which is exemplary, if I do say so myself), I snapped and told her to mind her own business, she then went to our line manager and complained.

The line manager has a duty to investigate and has said in no uncertain terms its a waste of her time and it upsets and irritates me. This has gone unresolved now for three years.

John T2012-09-26T09:45:24Z

Favorite Answer

It's up to your line manager to manage the employee. If the complaints continue, I can only suggest that you have a sit-down meeting with you, the complainer and your manager. The manager explains that the work is fine, and to try to find out exactly what's going on. Maybe that will help.

If I was the manager I would tell problem employee that this work is perfectly satisfactory, and that she need not concern herself with issues. If you are doing it better, I'd have her do it your way, if it's more efficient to do so.