Adopting a puppy from a shelter?

What is the process you go through when adopting a puppy from a shelter and how long does it take


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It varies. Most of the time, there are a few steps

1) You pick a puppy
2) Sometimes the workers come to check your house to see if you have a fenced yard etc.
3) Adoption fees, paper work etc. done and dusted
4) Bring puppy home and marvel at it


It depends on the shelter. Some just have you fill out some paperwork and you can take the animal home that day. Others will require you to go through an application process which may include references, an interview, and home inspection. If your shelter has a website, they probably explain the process.


It depends on the individual shelter.

With some you just need to fill out a form and pay money-then you get to bring the dog home with you.

With some shelters you need to fill out the form, they will do reference check(veterinarians if you have other animals, landlord if you rent) , do a home check and then you will be able to adopt.


It usually only takes a few days. You pick the dog you want, pay the money, they spay or neuter then and a few days later you come back to pick them up