Dog ate a dried up part of a squirrel I took it out of its mouth.?

We were walking and my dogs saw a dried up something. Turned out to be a part of a Dried up squirrel I had to remove it from their mouths. How dangerous is that? I went home and washed my hands. My dogs have had their shots. Only Serious people help me on this one.


Favorite Answer

It's not the healthiest thing a dog can hold in the mouth but dogs can and have held a LOT WORSE stuff in their mouth before - (ie: POOP)

So I wouldn't worry unless the next time it's not a dried squirrel but a huge wad of human defecation someone in a hasty unfortunate situation left behind in the grass.


Im not a vet or anything, just an animal lover.
I had a lab that had a thing for fetching out dead birds (that were obviously dead). She would chew them ad she even ate part of one befor ei could get it away from her. Nothing ever came of it. To be honest, i would call a vest office and be like "do i have anything to worry about".. it they wont answer then call the next vet, and the next, and the next until you get a answer. This way you have the right answer and dont have to actually pay for a visit. BUTTTTT ... if i were you (being the over protective owner that i am) i would just take your dog to the bet, its like 50 bucks (USD) for a offie visit, maybe less.


I am not aware of any potential problem from a dried up squirrel. This is especially true because of the dried up part. Parasites and bacteria are gone and you essentially have jerky.


I wouldn't worry too much because your dogs have all of their shots. I would watch them in case of vomiting or diarrhea because you don't know how much or what kind of bacteria they may have ingested. If they get sick, call your vet but, I think they will be OK.


The dogs should be fine. You washed up. All should be OK.