Age related memory/concentration problem or ADHD?
I started going to community college 13 years AFTER I graduated high school. At first cc was okay, but quickly the "thrill" went away esp. when I couldn't understand half what they were talking about. I preferred going to work than to class and for that was "chronically absent" (over 6x a semester). I made myself study a bit cause after all I paid for the courses. I got A's and B's (but I had to drop a class)
dropped class was composition 101, and I took it again next term and dropped it. Then I decided to give the class a break
now I am taking class again and find I can't put pen to paper to express my ideas. when the teacher speaks I think of random events, skewering off to TV shows or stuff I did with the family
sometimes I think it is because I started school "too late" (maybe I should be working instead, after all I am hard worker) and my brain is not spongy anymore
Other times I suspect ADHD because while I was never diagnosed, I can't remember things like the fact that my mom was expecting when I was in 1st grade, that I fidget a lot with necklaces because I belive that is what they are for and the fact that my brother does have a confirmed diagnois
But since I am hard worker and a "neat freak" (very organized) I could also think that this is just age-related mental breakdown of sorts
Can someone please clarify. I'd hate to go to the mental health clinic looking all stupid and people think I am just inventing diseases