Does Romney Want To Do Away With Social Security?

does he care about the pepole who live on it


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No. For people who live on it, they still get it. He wants to allow the younger to invest their social security deductions in something that will not be taken away. Because if we do nothing , social security will bankrupt in 2025, and people retiring after that will be screwed.


Do fish swim in water?

All Republicans have sworn to end the Great Society of president Johnson, namely Medicare and PBS. Romney would end both programs.

Bush attempted to privatize Social Security until it was pointed out to him that the Social Security Trust Fund is how his wars were financed. If Romney can defeat the laws of arithmetic and reduce the national debt, then he might eventually try to privatize social security again.

George S2012-10-04T22:28:45Z

No, but he understands it's unsustainable as it is today. That Ponzi scheme has finally played out as many people have always known it would.

Social Security, Medicare, and other entitlements are 68% of the Budget, military is 24%, debt service (at less than 1% interest) is 6%, government operations is 2%. 37% of the budgets of $3.5 trillion is deficit each year now and must be borrowed.


no. every prez wrestles with this issue. it,s congress and the senate that are the bad boys here. they fiddle with the money, while the fund gets smaller. nobody wants to look bad by making decisions that will hurt their chances for reelection. wanna fix s.s? raise s.s. taxes.


He never said that do liberals hear at a different level an dimension than the rest of us.

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