I need help with talking to a girl i like?

I have this girl i really like, and its really hard for me to talk to her. I have her in Algebra 2 and she he has chemistry across from my chem com class. I talk to her but i am really nervous and scared. I dont know what to say to her, and how to start a conversation with her. Shes not like any other girl i have met, there is something about her that just makes me like her alot. Please help me.


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Walk up to her and begin your conversation with the basics, such as a simple hello and introducing who you are. Take note of her name and be careful to remember it. Forgetting her name will make you appear clumsy or uninterested. Do not try to sound egotistical or try to impress her. Start out with simple things, such as where you are on your way to, a comment about your last class, or about a class you two have together.

Expect the conversation to begin slowly, as it will. Not knowing what to talk about at this point can be the biggest problem. Many times those awkward silences will come about. Eliminate awkward moments as they happen, not before, so do not over-think your words. Do not try to say things just to fill space since you might say something clumsy. Think of something relating to the topic at hand and go with it until the next subject comes about. Ask her opinion about a low-key topic, something that might draw her out without being controversial.

Lead towards topics that interest you or things you observed about her previously. The more you know about a topic, the more you will have to say about it. If she is interested in the topic too, then here is where you start to try and impress her. Try not to correct her or sound like a know-it-all, even if she does not know a lot about the topic or her information might be wrong. Go with the conversation flow and show how passionate you are about the subject. Showing emotion and passion in a small way will begin to show a woman what you are capable of being passionate about things and an interesting person.

Do not try to get too personal within the first few minutes of getting to know her. Coming on too strong might scare her away. Keep the conversation light and practical and let it flow naturally. Add a little bit of humor to the situation to keep subjects light, whenever appropriate. While you want to get to know her, realize that these types of connections take time. You will reach a point where the deeper topics will come about if you continue to converse, but take these few minutes getting to know her first. Try to sense whether or not you truly like her, or if she is someone completely different than you first assumed. Work your way up to asking for her phone number, but be sure not to ask her too soon. Several brief casual conversations will help to build rapport.

Keep what you two talk about between the two of you. While women love to gossip, it's best if left up to them. Sharing the tiniest detail of your conversation could come back to her, she may turn it into something bigger. Build trust by allowing her to open up to you. Show her that she can confide in you and you may have more topics to discuss with one another and reasons to approach each other. Be sociable and approachable in the meantime. Show her that you can be serious, but are also fun to be around.