Kindle Fire VS Nook color.. Witch is better?

What are pros and cons of the Kindle Fire and Nook color. I would like too know what is better! :) Ive posted this in diferent questions atleast 4 times its very annoying i dont get any anwsers will you please help me! I am buying one and i need your help!<3



Favorite Answer

I compared the two and wound up purchasing the Nook. For the most part, they're equal. The versatility, library and readability is comparable. I bought the Nook for two reasons. First, I can get assistance with my Nook at my local Barnes and Noble. And second, I can take my Nook into a Barnes and Noble and read any NookBook for free for 1 hour per day, you can read the same book for two weeks straight, but only for 1 hour each day. This has allowed me to save money on my book purchases.


I have Kindle Fire and Kindle Fire HD both and my brother uses Nook color. He always takes my HD when I don't have any work with it. And I didn't liked Nook.

You can see some good reviews on Kindle Fire here :

Kindle Fire HD :

Kindle Fire :


When you read a book you start to see the story the way you want to imagine it not what sort of director wants one to see it


reading is much better the book maintains u thinking and you simply get more detail in what people are thinking and you also get more imagination


A. Neither e-book nor creator. "Electronics." B. Ask Ann, she just did the same thing you're doing now a bit of even as ago - asking the same stupid query repeatedly, like that makes men and women answer it turbo.

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