Hello! Filipinos out there! Now that the SC has issued a TRO vs. Cybercrime Law,?

how does this reflect the SC attitudes towards the social rights of the Filipinos and how do the Filipinos view this? Victory or Fight for Survival?


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The SUPREME COURT OF THE PHILIPPINES is the highest court of the land and the last bastion of truth and justice in the Philippines. That is why if SC fails the whole country fails. Naturally the SC will uphold the rights of the ordinary Filipinos in the fight for social reforms including this cybercrime preventive law or Republic Act 10175.

How do the ordinary Filipinos view this?

Naturally with glee or favor or victory for their petition to remove or amend this law is now crystal clear to them that the SC will favor their motion to study the law first and foremost and review some of its writing. The TRO will last for 120 days for the SC to review the entirety of the RA. If it is unconstitutional or not. We hope the SC will do its part very well in this time around.


The answer of delivre makes sense. Answer like this one that I am expecting from the pretentious bhuisit, who put himself on pedestal but not one of his answers makes sense even self opinion basing to experience. You can see that he doesn't have any backround of anything but got the nerve to criticize others who are profoundly working with immense experience to be proud of. He always impose his VERY GOOD english according to him living in one language country but beggar or just getting by. Making assumption with the life of others without knowing how they live.
Old people and what he is wants attention which he cannot get so he's raving mad.