What is the word (English Language) for a Child Born out of Wedlock?

When I look in my Dictionary all the definitions are labeled as offensive, not the event but the word.


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The Bible tells us that men and women were to remain virgins, then marry, then have relations, then God might bless that union with children.

It's supposed to be offensive, but not really for the child. It is not the child's fault, but the parents who did not make a commitment to each other with God. (The dictionary is wrong, it is the even that is wrong, but they have it backwards, like the blame on the poor child.)


The term that is not offensive is "natural child". The child is related by blood, making even the unwed parents natural parents.

To make the meaning clearer, I would have said, "born outside of", not "born out of".


The correct term is 'Bastard'. Yes it is offensive, I know, but that is the literal term for a child born to unmarried parents

Interested Reader2012-10-11T08:56:11Z

An illegitimate child, or bastard. I would use illegitimate child.



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