How many sides of a regular polygon are visible from a random point?
Recently I answered a question on the visibility of sides of a polygon and that recalled me a problem I have read long ago in a book: imagine a tourist in Washington D.C., looking from a random point at one of the most remarkable buildings in the city - the Pentagon. What are the probabilities he can see 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sides of the building?
See the picture:
On the left the regions, from which 1, 2, 3 and 5 sides are visible, are shown. Now the generalization: given a regular planar n-gon (n = 3, 4, 5, ..) and a random point in its plane, find the probabilities P(0), P(1), P(2), . . , P(n), exactly 0, 1, 2, . . , n sides of the polygon to be entirely visible from that point (cases n=3 and n=4 are shown on the right).
To avoid any misunderstanding what exactly "random point" should mean, imagine the regular polygon inscribed in the unit circle, centered in the origin (so that the vertices are, let's say, the roots of 1); the coordinates (x, y) of the viewpoint are uniformly distributed in a circle with radius R > 1, centered in the origin. What are the values of the aforementioned probabilities when R → ∞ (some of them are obviously 0)?
Prove or disprove the following:
1) if n is even, then P(n/2) = 1, the rest probabilities are 0;
2) if n is odd, then P((n-1)/2) = P((n+1)/2) = 0.5, the rest probabilities are 0.
Excellent heuristic consideration, bravo Scythian! This is what exactly came to my mind - shrinking the polygon into a point - to make the suggested conjecture (or, say it otherwise, let's imagine an observer, looking from z-axis above the origin and let z→∞, so that the polygon seems smaller and smaller).
Another way to handle it without terrible integrations, usually accompanying the solving of geometric probability problems, is shown here (compare with original picture, the link above):
Case n=5 on the left can be generalized similarly for n - odd. When R → ∞ only regions with infinite sizes and areas matter for positive probabilities, so cut from original gray regions the light-gray ones - now each dark-gray region is congruent with each of green ones, hence P(2) = P(3) = 0.5. On the other side, when n is even, regions with parallel parts of their contour have negligible areas, compared to regions with divergent bor
(Continued - Yahoo! trimmed my post unexpectedly!) ... borders.
To say it simply, "half of the perimeter" of the polygon is visible. That is confirmed by the example of a polygon with infinitely many sides, i.e. the circle. It is intuitively clear, that from sufficiently distant viewpoint about a half of the circumference is visible.
Yet I'll keep the question open to see eventual other opinions, helping to make the proof 100% rigid. Pauley Morph's approach is very interesting, I am waiting to see his results, a computer simulation also seems very easy in case n=4, so would be welcome too.
Final remarks: I received an email from Pauley Morph with the following "...formula for the number of sides of a regular n-gon visible from (∞, 0) rotated widdershins through an angle α:
F(α) = Floor(n/4 - (1/2 + α/ϑ)) + Floor(n/4 + (1/2 + α/ϑ)) + 1; where ϑ = 2π/n and α ∈ [0, ϑ/2]..."
Having run out of space with his answer here, he writes next in his email: "...The idea that led to this formula came from Scythian any way, so he should get the BA."
I agree completely with that, I appreciate Scythian's enlightening explanation, which came first and is awarded with most TUs. From Nic's answer I understand Nic will agree with me too.
Many thanks to Pauley Morph for the efforts - I hope he has had a nice time with this question!
Many thanks to Nic for his compact and insightful explanation!
Emailsierra2004's answer contains correct definition, but it doesn't help to answer the question.