I was just reading an article on lifewithdogs.tv and it said that it can be dangerous to kiss your dog (or cat) because humans and dogs can share the bacteria from our mouths. Quoted: "The study demonstrates that germs can spread easily between a human and a dog by kissing. Some of the bacteria that is spread can lead to periodontitis, a severe form of gum disease." I for one, have been kissing animals since I was young and never once have gotten sick from my dogs and vice versa.
So I was wondering, do you kiss your dogs?
The article is here: http://www.lifewithdogs.tv/2012/10/new-study-warns-against-kissing-your-dog/
Favorite Answer
daily ... but i don't swap spit !!! i kiss him on the top of his head or the side of his face, and occasionally i kiss his teeny weeny paws :O)
I've always kissed my dogs (not every minute, but once or twice a week), on the top of their heads or the intersection of skull and top of ear, or the back of their neck. NOT on the mouth, though! And if my dog tries to lick my mouth; I suck in my lips first (shutting my mouth in the process) and give him access to my chin or cheek. I've never had any problems with germs/bacteria exchanges with the many dogs I've known in my life.
I've obvious science experiements the place puppies mouths are cleaner than humans. So no I wouldn't have a main issue with my canine licking my face, I also provide her kisses too, on part of her face and what no longer however i do not let her tongue close my mouth....Despite the fact that puppies mouths are cleaner than ours she nonetheless licks herself and yeah thats fine when she licks my cheek she ain't touchin my lips lol
I don't know how you kiss your dog but I'm not swapping spit with her nor do I kiss her on the mouth. I kiss my dog on the top of her head and that's it. Some people get a little freaky and I suppose that could certainly spread bacteria and disease but for us normal folks that's not really realistic.