Why are the law licenses of both Obamas suspended?

Illinois Bar Too vague!


Favorite Answer

They aren't suspended, just not renewed. They have more important things to do than practice law at this time.

They can reapply for their licenses at any time.


That information is sealed also along with the REAL B/C. school papers, grades, friends, who paid for his college education, and the suspension on his law degree. etc.....Why Democrats don't care is beyond me, if this were a conservative they would be screaming for impeachment and staging riots to get him out of office!
Vern and ola that is a lie put out by the obama's , No one but no one does that , Even if not using them they still pay their dues to keep them active. Shows just how gullible Lib's are!



They were not suspended.
Both Obamas put their licenses on inactive status. This means they don't have to pay full fees or go to any peer meetings. It does not mean they did anything wrong.
Many many attorneys do this if it is unlikely they will need to take law clinets anymore. Both Obama's have much better gigs now than being somebody's lawyer.


Source? Or just BS?